DRUMLine Live

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Riveting rhythms, bold beats, and ear-grabbing energy

DRUMLine Live is an international tour based on the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) marching band tradition. With riveting rhythms, bold beats, and ear-grabbing energy, this stage show is a synchronized musical showcase of the HBCU experience. DRUMLine Live Incorporates original compositions and soul-infused interpretations of top 40 hits. Group performances range from colorful, choreographed routines to heavy doses of drum riffs and cadences. “Taking us on a journey through the timeline of music directly responsible for our modern drumlines, the cast begins with a scene of brightly garbed drummers, entertaining us with African drums and tribal dances, giving us the message right from the start that this wasn’t a concert where anyone could be anything but titillated to the extremes of their sensibilities.”- The Nashville Examiner

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