Photographer, musician and global nomad Deena A. Delfosse ventured on a 2 year round the world trip in 2007 and hasn’t stopped long term traveling since. She has captured countless images of beauty including landscapes, portraits, cities, nature and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. A visitor and CouchSurfer in nearly 60 countries, Deena enjoys a photojournalistic approach.

Deena grew up in Cincinnati and lived in Los Angeles, Washington, DC, London, England and Atlanta and now calls her sanctuary on a pond in Leland, NC home. A former Civil Rights Investigator and Insurance Underwriter and Broker she now expresses her creative side in Wilmington’s Film Industry. She is extremely appreciative to have been awarded a North Carolina Artist Support Grant which has funded the creation of this exhibition.


I discovered my passion for photography nearly 30 years ago while in high school in Cincinnati, Ohio and haven’t stopped taking pictures since. I majored in Digital Media and Criminal Justice at Xavier University, was the Photography Editor of my college newspaper and served as Editor-in-Chief for Xavier’s yearbook, thus embarking on a lifelong journey of capturing treasured moments. I spent many an evening in the darkroom perfecting prints after light etching them on 35mm, and, as such, learned how to literally see the world through a viewfinder on a daily basis.

In 2007 after spending several years photographing the culture of vibrant Los Angeles, California I had some complications with my eyesight, received a diagnosis of macular degeneration and responded to the possibility of future blindness by setting off on an epic 22 month long photography and CouchSurfing adventure around the world. The tour included 27 countries in Europe, Morocco, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, 22 of the U.S. states and a grand finale of five weeks in India.

The Mission- To See and Experience the World.

I was sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, and always with a camera. After this amazing adventure I have become a true flashpacker, journeying to Central and South America for 6 months, tours of Europe, Africa, Cuba and photography filled road trips throughout the US. I enjoy a photojournalistic approach and have covered events as varied as concerts and sporting events to the Cannes Film Festival, Oktoberfest, Holland’s Queen’s Day, the Chiang Mai Flower Festival, and even Buddhist monks playing ping pong.

I adore animals and am forever cuddling and photographing stray cats and dogs. I also enjoy the depth of character that can be captured when photographing the elderly, and the joy and innocence of youth. I love to capture the little moments of life as well as the magnificent beauty of nature.

In addition to the photography exhibition, I have composed ambient music, inspired by the images, to enjoy while being transported into this travel adventure.

I enjoy sharing my adventures exploring the beautiful world in which we live in hopes of inspiring others. I truly believe that one should open their eyes, open their hearts and open their worlds.