Broccoli Brothers Circus

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Broccoli Brothers Circus is a family-friendly performance group in Wilmington, North Carolina that features original music, puppetry, and multimedia art. The group includes Mark Herbert, Dave Hervey, Harry Paterson, and other rotating band members. They perform at child-oriented festivals and charity events across the Cape Fear region.

UNCW Kenan Auditorium is delighted to share a series of programs for families called SEAHAWK Family Arts Matinees, or SEAHAWK FAM for short. You can catch these special one-hour shows on Thursday mornings throughout June and July, all in UNCW’s Kenan Auditorium. With just a $5 admission, SEAHAWK FAM is designed as a creative and entertaining respite from the summer heat. Bring the whole family – and your friends – to enjoy performances created especially for families of all kinds!

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